por: LUCAS CAMARGO, Adriano Adriano Fagali de Souza, Thiago Antonio Fiorentin
Ano: 2019
Instituições de ensino: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Idioma: Portugues
The vibration during the milling process results in improper surface quality and loss of dimensional accuracy of the part. Forced vibration can be induced by the excitation of the tool at its natural frequency during cutting. This natural frequency is a function of its balance length, where its increase reduces the natural frequency and facilitates its excitation by the action of the edge in the material. In this case, changing the excitation frequency to not match the natural frequency of the tool is an option. In this context, the present work investigates the variation of surface quality obtained when the excitation of the tool is close to or coincident with its natural frequency. Different balance lengths were considered in obtaining the natural frequency. The results indicate that for reduced values of the overhang forced vibration is not dominant in the vibrational phenomenon but contributes to the loss of surface quality. On the other hand, for higher values of overhang the forced vibration makes the cut highly unstable for a range of ± 10% around the natural frequency, which results in a great loss of surface quality.
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