por: Thiago Viana, Daniel Alves Heinze, Silvia Titotto, Mathilde Champeau Ferreira
Ano: 2019
Instituições de ensino: Universidade Federal do ABC, Universidade Federal do ABC, Universidade Federal do ABC, Universidade Federal do ABC
Idioma: Ingles
The objective of this work is to develop additive inks that are biocompatible based on pluronic f-127 and poly (acrylic acid). In addition, it is intended to implement a 3D printer that has useful functionalities for the development and processing of hydrogels. The gelation temperature was evaluated by the inverted tube method and the rotational rheometry used to obtain mechanical characteristics of the hydrogel. The addition of acrylic acid increases (until extinguishing) the gelling temperature, in addition to reducing the storage modulus and increasing the recovery time.
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