por: Fábio Kuranaka, Marcelo Baraldi, Wallyson Thomas Alves da Silva, Nivaldo Lemos COPPINI
Ano: 2019
Instituições de ensino: Faculdade de Tecnologia SENAI, SENAI, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Idioma: Portugues
Today it is common to seek diverse solutions to achieve higher productivity and lower costs. An inelastic and low supply factor is time. When the focus of cost-cutting is aimed at saving time, we are forced to review the studies of Taylor and his followers. Currently, there are many companies in the world that use the MTM (Methods-Time Measurement), a system of predetermined times developed by Maynard, Schwab and Stergemerten in 1948, which is based on Taylor studies and principles described in the Scientific Administration. The experience of these companies is successful in productivity, with effective cost reduction. This work seeks to identify and catalog the process times, investigate the production process, build a regular layout of equipment speed, determine the takt-time of each step in order to reduce costs and avoid waste, streamlining the process with efficiency, monitoring the process time in order to find points for optimization of the times, aiming productivity between the steps and guarantee quality of the product. This work proposes to investigate some parameters of the MTM already imposed by a manufacturing process in operation at almost 3 years that was mapped in a logical sequence of a manufacturing process of a towing lantern, as well as strategies and methods used that influence the time of the product. However, these strategies and methods have never been tested in an integrated and experimentally analyzed manner for this type of situation.
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