por: Alexandre de Souza
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Páginas: 10
Idioma: Ingles
The paper's objective is an experimental investigation to verify the variation effect of dielectric quantity of the electrical discharge machining on the geometrical characteristics of micro holes machined in injection nozzles fabricated with steel 18CrNi8 and with the technical denomination of DSLA. These experiments consist in the controlled modification of internal volumetric flow of the dielectric of the EDM-process (deionized water) using the DOE-methodology “One-way ANOVA”, analyzing in the sequence as work result of the machining process the diameter of the micrometric holes (approximately with diameters of 0,12 mm) produced by use of tungsten bar with total diameter of 0,085 mm as tool-electrode. Such machining procedure was performed in an EDM-machine specially constructed to machine holes in injection nozzles of diesel injection systems, model AGIE Quadraton. The experiments' results clearly indicate that the increase of the dielectric volume is responsible for a considerable reduction of internal diameter of the injection holes fabricated in an injection nozzle. This reduction provokes significant consequences on the conicity of the micro holes, consequently having a very high importance for the fuel injection process in the combustion chamber of a diesel motor equipped with a specific quantity of injection nozzles.
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