NCM-5.1 Frog and Switch Point Grinder

Condição: Novo
Publicado em: 24/03/2024

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Fornecedor / Vendedor

Wuhan linkage track equipment co.,ltd

Wuhan / AC


NCM-5.1 frog and switch grinder is specifically designed for grinding operations through switch and crossings and either side of the rail head. The grinding device of the machine can be tilted by 30° from the vertical direction to the left and right, and the position of the grinding wheel can be adjusted along the vertical and horizontal directions So that the grinding device of the machine can work very accurately in the narrow space between the rails. The machine adopts the pull rod transverse feed mode, which is easy for the operator to grasp the feed force and improve the grinding quality and efficiency. It has the characteristics of precise turning and positioning at any position and angle of the turmout rail head.

Tags (palavras-chave)

rail grinding machine  •  


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