DGM-2.2 multifunctional rail switch grinding machine is suitable for eliminating or repairing rail damage in weak parts of
turnout. It mainly repairs the fat edge, profile and reduced value of switch rail, movable center rail and wing rail with the
section width below 50 mm, so as to slow down the development of rail surface defects, improve rail surface smoothness, and further improve wheel rail contact relationship and passenger riding comfort The purpose is to reduce the wheel rail noise, prolong the service life of rail and reduce the maintenance cost.
Under the impact force of high-speed and heavy haul trains, the rail of switch and frog often appears some diseases, such as falling block, fatigue crack, fat edge, poor wheel rail relationship, etc. due to contact fatigue, which leads to the decrease of rail life, the increase of maintenance workload and maintenance cost, and even seriously affects the traffic safety.
The purpose of the research and development of this project is: First, to improve the labor intensity, mainly for the repair of
the switch rail surface damage, the machine has high efficiency, light weight, safe, convenient and reliable up and down the road; Second, to save manpower, reduce maintenance costs; Third, to focus on improving the grinding accuracy of switch rail, repair the switch point (Center) rail profile, solve the uneven stress relationship between wheel and rail, and extend the service life of switch rail service life.
Tags (palavras-chave)
1.multifunctional 2.portable use 3. light weight to carry •
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